Dick and Sarah are on eBay starting at only $5.00! Don't pass up this opportunity to get a piece of vice presidential zombie history! (click here to bid)
xSchool started a couple of days ago and I'm once again doing these little pictures for students who pay their shop fees. Poor Zach has been waiting since last year for his!
I am a high school art teacher and I paint all the time. I also like to draw. I especially enjoy drawing monsters, so I started doing small acrylic and ink portraits of my kids as zombies and vampires. Lately I have been posting all the classroom demos and sketches that I do to unwind on this blog. It's an eclectic collection and I update it irregularly. It is amazing what one can learn by making things up. These are pieces that will never be seen in any of the galleries that represent me. Some times I give them to my kids. Sometimes they are available for a modest price from this blog. If you see anything you like contact me at craigstephens@mac.com Proceeds go to the material support of my classroom.